La otra mirada



S1: 13 x 70´

S2: 8 x 70´


RTVE play, Amazon Prime Video y Disney +

Set in a finishing school for young ladies in 1920’s Seville, “A Different View” presents an educational institution that is desperately clinging to its old way of doing things and to the typical traditions of the time in the city. 

This entire universe and its pillars begin to falter when a new teacher arrives who has a very different perspective on life, and who also has a secret objective that is directly associated with the academy. 

Above all, “A Different View”tells the story of the journey of a group of (young and adult) women in search of their own voice.  


  • Production: Boomerang TV and RTVE


  • Creator: Josep Cister Rubio and Jaime Vaca


  • Directors: Luis Santamaría, Pablo Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez Molina, Mar Olid and Carlos Navarro Ballesteros.


  • Script: Alba Lucio, Josep Cister Rubio, Jaime Vaca, María López Castaño, Mario Parra, Ana Muniz da Cunha, Irene Rodríguez, Tatiana Rodríguez and Alberto Manzano. 


  • Cast: Macarena García, Patricia López Arnaiz, Ana Wagener, Begoña Vargas, Lucía Díez, Carla Campra, Paula Sánchez de la Nieta, Abril Montilla, Elena Gallardo, Juanlu González, Álvaro Mel, Gloria Muñoz, Cecilia Freire, Jordi Coll, José Pastor, Carlos Olalla, Javier Mora, Raúl Ferrando, José Luis Barquero, Melina Matthews, Dariam Coco, César Vicente, Pepa Gracia, Filipe Duarte, Alejandro Sigüenza, Celia Freijeiro, Joaquín Notario, Paco Mora, Ignacio Rosado, José Emilio Vera



  • Iris Award Nominees for Best Actress (Patricia Lopez Arnaiz) -2018


  • Iris Award Nominees for Best Production - 2018


  • Prix Europa Award Nominee for Best European Fiction - 2018


  • Ondas Award for Best Actress in a Fictional Series (Patricia Lopez Arnaiz) - 2018


  • Best Actress in a Drama Series (Macarena García)-2018


  • Best Screenplay (María López Castaño, Alba Lucio Calderón, Josep Cister y Jaime Vaca) -2018


  • MiM Series Awards for Best Drama Series- 2018